Thursday, September 09, 2010

Do You See What I See?

Nature Display: A Picture A Day
Blog Post #7

Clouds - On the Road: Northern New Mexico
The Scoop:
The clouds in this picture immediately make me think of something; what do you see in these clouds?  I see...a howling wolf.  I took this photo on our drive to Denver this summer.  This is in New Mexico just before reaching the border to Colorado.  When I was in middle school I used to hang out at my friends house and we would lie on her trampoline and stare at the clouds and point out all shapes they formed.  It's always fun to see what the kind of clouds are out during different types of weather.  My favorite clouds are the giant cumulonimbus clouds that build up before a rain storm.

Love clouds too?  Check out this site of cloud-inspired poetry:

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