Monday, September 20, 2010

Hoppity Hop Hop

Nature Display: A Picture A Day
Blog Post #18

Cave/Camel Cricket - Front Porch: Leander, TX
The Scoop:
While identifying yesterday's blog topic I stumbled upon the identification of this cricket I had also taken a pic of a few days back!  I believe this one is female which is "recognizable because of the sword-like egg laying structure in addition to the two appendages at the end of the abdomen."  And for a little description, "Cave and camel crickets are dark brown, wingless and have long antennae, long well-developed hind legs for jumping. The head is bent down and the back is arched up, giving these insects a humped-backed (camel) appearance." [ Field Guide to Texas Insects, Drees, B.M. and John Jackman]  I thought she looked very unique from the field crickets we usually find out here.  When trying to find today's link I thought I'd enter in the Google vs Bing vs Yahoo war:  Google - Crickets are good luck, Bing - Crickets are good luck (a match!), Yahoo - Crickets are singing lyrics (D'oh!).  I'm gonna give it to Google and Bing; in Yahoo's defense, 'good luck' was the their third option ^_~.

Who carries a cricket for good luck?:

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