Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Popeye the Sailor Fish?

Nature Display: A Picture A Day
Blog Post #6

Popeye Catalufa - Downtown Aquarium: Denver, CO
The Scoop:
This picture was quite the surprise when I took it.  Notice the eyes..?  Looks nothing like that until the camera flash hits it, hehe.  These are Popeye Catalufa fish and they are found in the Eastern Pacific from California to Peru and around the Galapagos Islands (which is also home to the only marine iguana ^_^).  Of course, this picture I took at an aquarium...  These fish are nocturnal and live in caves as deep as 300 feet, those specialized crrrrazy eyes allow them to see well in the low light.  Quite a nice adaptation!  These guys grow up to 13 inches in length and feed on small fish and crustaceans. 

Get your Popeye "Why I Oughta..." tee here:

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