Friday, September 03, 2010

You've Gotta Start Somewhere...

Hello to ALL!

My name is Courtney and I've been wanting to start a blog for quite some time but hadn't found the right subject, one that I felt would keep me interested in maintaining it...until now. It only makes sense that nature photography should be the deciding material as I am constantly stopping to capture the world around me in a quick photo. What can I say, I get it from my parents! So here we are, a blog at last and the first post is now underway. (I'm not even going to mention just how long it took me to settle on a template design - sometimes unrestricted customization is a hindrance for me.)

The idea behind my blog is simple - a place for me to share one nature photo a day and leave a little tidbit about how the picture came to be and if time allows a quick blurb on the subject matter as a whole. Please enjoy and feel free to leave your comments! 


Nature Display: A Picture A Day
Blog Post #1

Praying Mantis - Outside Garage: Leander, TX
The Scoop: 
Upon arriving at home today after work I immediately noticed this big guy on the brick ledge outside our garage.  I've seen my share of mantises out here in the Hill Country and this one was noticeably larger than the rest of the gang.  The poor bugger was just sitting here relaxing when I showed up and busted out the camera.  When you consider how quick a mantis moves to attack it's almost more amazing to see just how still one can be.  I must have held my phone and later a camera taking flash images two inches from his entire being and only witnessed a slight turning of the head.  I like the shade of this mantis, not the typical bright green we usually see around the property (also very pretty), and his eyes are really remarkable.  Later in the evening when I had to head out to my car again I found him barely moved, maybe five inches from his previous perch.  However, I did notice he had acquired some form of battle wound to one leg; he was nowhere to be found when I arrived at home for the night.

If you want to see more information or pictures on praying mantises, check out:

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