Tuesday, September 07, 2010

It's Poooooouring!!

Nature Display: A Picture A Day
Blog Post #5

Waterfall - Cow Creek: Texas
The Scoop:
It has been raining nonstop all day here!  We definitely need the rain but it certainly made for some dangerous driving conditions today.  To change it up, here's a pic to honor the benefits of a great downpour... This is a local swim spot we like to visit occasionally.  Though there's not a whole lot of swimming to be done here, it's nice nonetheless.  Here is one of the waterfalls at Cow Creek following some heavy rain.  The first time we ventured to Cow Creek was on an Easter weekend and it's been a favorite place to chill since.  On this visit it started to sprinkle again so we just sat in the water under the rock ledge and watched the rain, it was like watching from inside a cave, even the sound was changed.  While we sat there we also noticed a bird's nest on the wall with little baby birds in it - too cute!

The road running through Cow Creek is a popular spot for motorcyclists, here's the map:

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