Saturday, September 04, 2010

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Nature Display: A Picture A Day
Blog Post #2

Tarantula - Outside House: Leander, TX
The Scoop:
Well it's a good thing my mom makes a habit of turning on our outside lights before opening the side door to our house. After grocery shopping this evening, Mr. Tarantula here was waiting for us...right on the welcome mat! It's been a while since we've seen any tarantulas about; I told my mom I think they're onto me, creatures everywhere know I've started this blog. In high school one of my science teachers had a class tarantula, I got to hold him once. It was cool, creepy and fun all in one but I'd never dare to pick up one found around the house. It took me all of 30 seconds to wind up agitating this guy while trying to take his picture. The dark legs are interesting on him and I'm hoping he sticks around to take out some of the bugs around the outside of the house.  It looks like he's waving at the camera :)  Cheers, Mr. Tarantula!

If ya wanna know more, here's a National Geographic web page on tarantulas:

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