Friday, September 10, 2010

So Shiny!

Nature Display: A Picture A Day
Blog Post #8

Sun through the Trees - Community Park: Austin, TX
The Scoop:
Fancy a picnic?  The sun was out today, that's for sure.  Though I must confess this picture was not taken today.  This one was taken last year on my mom's birthday!  I picked her up from work on her lunch break and we went to a nearby park, rolled down the windows and had a nice lunch and chat.  We would have sat outside at the tables but the wind was blowing too hard for our plates to stay in place.  It was a gorgeous day and I just had to sneak a pic of the sun shining down through the park trees.  Summer's almost over now though, so my suggestion to all is to get one last sunny picnic in for the season!  Have fun :)

No picnic is complete without the perfect basket; you know you want this one...

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